Gene Powell on the appointment of Nash Horne as student regent

The University of Texas System Board of Regents Chairman Gene Powell issued the following statement today (May 8) regarding the appointment of Nash Horne of Austin, an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin, as the next student regent on the Board. Horne is a political communications major and currently serves as the external financial director for the UT Austin Student Government.

Gov. Rick Perry appointed Horne and 10 other students to higher education governing boards across the state. The one-year term as student regent will expire May 31, 2014. Student regents serve as nonvoting members.

Statement from Chairman Gene Powell

“On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome Nash Horne to The University of Texas System Board of Regents. The perspective and insight the student regent position offers plays a tremendous role in the Board’s work and deliberations.  Mr. Horne is an outstanding choice and will be a great asset to our Board. We look forward to serving with him.

“I would also like to thank Regent Ashley Purgason for her tireless dedication and extraordinary work during her tenure as a student regent.  She has left an indelible mark on UT System and will be greatly missed. We wish her great success in her future endeavors.”