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Administrative Unit Change Requests

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Administrative units include a college, school, or department. The UT System Board of Regents will consider the establishment of a new college or school at one of its regular meetings. A new department can be approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Changes to existing administrative units, such as a name change, consolidation of existing units, or movement of a degree program from one unit another must also be approved either by the Board of Regents or the Executive Vice Chancellor.

Proposals should be submitted in the form of a letter to the Executive Vice Chancellor to Proposals should include information about the reason for establishing the new unit, the internal structure of the unit (e.g., the departments and degree program housed in a new college) and a breakdown of any new costs anticipated for the first five years. Examples of costs include salary for a dean, any associate deans, and support staff.

Finally, please include the THECB’s Administrative Change Form. The Office of Academic Affairs will notify the THECB once the Board of Regents or Executive Vice Chancellor takes action.