The UT System Guide to Major Capital Project Delivery was created to provide easy access to the most current policies, procedures, and resources needed to successfully deliver Major Capital Projects for UT System and its institutions. The Guide is continuously updated to serve all stakeholders engaged in the delivery of Capital Projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:
- New building construction with a total project cost of $10 million or more
- Road, paving, and repair and rehabilitation projects with a total project cost of $10 million or more
- Any project determined by the Board to be architecturally or historically significant
Areas covered in this Guide include:
- The Project Funding and Approval Timeline – Provides step by step tasks and deliverables required to obtain approvals and mitigate risks for each phase of the project
- The UT System Capital Improvement Program – Outlines the CIP and provides links to additional information
- Governing Laws, Rules, and Regulations – Includes the U.T. System Risk Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for Major Capital Projects, which references all Board of Regents Rules and Regulations, Systemwide Policies, State Laws, and Federal Laws governing Major Capital Project delivery for UT System
- Procurement of Goods and Services – Includes guidance on procurement strategies and the availability of Systemwide Contracts and Insurance Programs
The Guide is maintained by the Office of Capital Projects in collaboration with other UT System offices, institutions, and external agencies. All questions, comments, and suggestions regarding The Guide should be directed to:
Capital Improvement Program Support