Update: The University of Texas System and the Los Alamos National Laboratory Request for Proposal

The final request for proposals (RFP) to manage and operate Los Alamos National Laboratory on behalf of the National Nuclear Security Agency was published late Wednesday, Oct. 25. The following statement is from University of Texas System Deputy Chancellor David E. Daniel, who is leading the team evaluating the RFP.

“The University of Texas System team is deeply engaged in developing the most responsive, thoughtful plan possible for future management of the Laboratory. This is both an important opportunity and a critical element of national security, which requires exceptional leadership and management. The nation deserves no less. We look forward to presenting our recommendation for consideration by Chancellor McRaven and, ultimately, the University of Texas System Board of Regents.

“Because of its scale and the scientific assets of its 14 academic and health institutions, the UT System is strongly positioned for operational leadership of the Lab. The UT System is one of the world’s largest research enterprises, with expenditures supporting $2.8 billion in research activity annually. Transformational research and invention of new technologies at University of Texas institutions places the UT System among the top 10 universities/university systems in the world for innovation. The UT System manages an $18 billion budget annually for these 14 institutions and their 105,000 employees and 230,000 students.

“UT institutions have responsibly advanced knowledge and discovery for more than 130 years, while creating value and opportunity for students, faculty, researchers and the communities in which they are located. We believe management of Los Alamos National Lab must be laser-focused on safely and securely providing world-class technical capabilities and research that ensure the success of the national security enterprise. UT has the know-how to successfully deliver that service while advancing the broader scientific mission of the Lab and being a good steward of the Los Alamos community.”

News Contact Information

Karen Adler: kadler@utsystem.edu  • 512-499-4360 (direct) • 210-912-8055 (cell)
Melanie Thompson: mthompson@utsystem.edu • 512-499-4487 (direct) • 832-724-1024 (cell)