Mounir Ben Ghalia, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering & Computer Science
UT Rio Grande Valley
I believe that passion for teaching is a requirement for creating an effective learning environment where students can learn and succeed.
Dr. Mounir Ben Ghalia is a professor in the department of electrical engineering at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He received his doctorate in electrical engineering from Tennessee Technological University. After obtaining his doctorate degree, he joined the department of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University as a postdoctoral associate and then as an assistant research professor where he conducted funded research on intelligent systems. He joined the legacy institution, the University of Texas – Pan American, in 1999. Dr. Ben Ghalia served as the principal investigator and the director of a National Science Foundation-funded program titled: Research Experiences for Teachers in Emerging and Novel Engineering Technologies (RET-ENET) in the Rio Grande Valley. His funded program supported the professional development of K-12 STEM teachers to introduce engineering education in K-12 classrooms. His research focuses on control systems, robotics, and engineering education; he has published in these areas. He has taught a variety of electrical engineering courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has been selected by the engineering students for several teaching awards and is a recipient of the University of Texas System Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award.