Melanie M. McEwen, Ph.D., R.N., CNE, ANEF
Department of Nursing Systems
School of Nursing
UT Health Science Center at Houston
Because I am convinced that nursing is one of the most important professions, I am passionate about my role as a nursing educator. For almost 30 years I have been fortunate to be a small part of a very vital vocation – that of creating future nurses.
Dr. McEwen has been a nursing professor for more than 25 years. She is the author/editor of three nursing textbooks: Theoretical Basis for Nursing (with E. Wills); Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations (with M. Nies); and Community-based Nursing: An Introduction (with B. Pullis). She has also published numerous articles in nursing journals. Her research interests include: RN-BSN programs; spiritual nursing care; immunizations and immunization policy; disparities in diagnosis and management of ADHD; and school-based management of asthma.
See full bio at nursing.uth.edu/directory/profile/index.htm?profileinode=795231.