Documents by Office

Title Published File(s) Page
Fund Accounting Training: Module 2 Fund Account Training: Module 2 More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Module 2
Fund Accounting Training: Module 3 Fund Account Training: Module 3 More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Module 3
Fund Accounting Training: Module 4 Fund Account Training: Module 4 More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Module 4
Fund Accounting Training: Module 5 Fund Account Training: Module 5 More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Module 5
Fund Accounting Training: Module 6 Fund Accounting Training: Module 6 More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Module 6
Fund Accounting Training: Module 7 Fund Accounting Training: Module 7 More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Module 7
Fund Accounting Training: Glossary Fund Accounting Training: Glossary More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Glossary
Fund Accounting Training: Evaluation Course Evaluation More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Evaluation
Fund Accounting Training: Final Exam Training Exam More Info on Fund Accounting Training: Final Exam
Expert Witness Report Expert Witness Report More Info on Expert Witness Report
FERPA Policy FERPA Policy (revised June 18, 2015 - non-substantive edit)
Appendix A - Notice of Student Rights under FERPA & Notice Concerning Directory Information (revised January 30, 2015)
More Info on FERPA Policy
OGC Training Presentations Contracts Administration Training: 2005
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts for U.T. Institutions
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts for System Administration
Determination of Residence Status: 2006
Equipment Lease Issues
Indemnity Agreements
Intellectual Property Basics: 2006
Research Collaboration: 2006
Scope of Work Issues
More Info on OGC Training Presentations
Annual Financial Report Annual Financial Report More Info on Annual Financial Report
Budget Summaries Budget Summaries More Info on Budget Summaries
Controller: LERR Budget LERR Budget More Info on Controller: LERR Budget
Available University Funds Report Available University Funds Report More Info on Available University Funds Report
Controller: Wireless Device Allowance Form Wireless Device Allowance Form More Info on Controller: Wireless Device Allowance Form
Controller: Wireless Device Equipment Reimbursement Form Wireless Device Equipment Reimbursement Form More Info on Controller: Wireless Device Equipment Reimbursement Form
Controller: HRMS Payroll Business Rules HRMS Payroll Business Rules More Info on Controller: HRMS Payroll Business Rules
Faculty Academic Appointment Forms Administrative Appointment Only (FORM 1)
Faculty Appointment Only as Professor Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or Instructor (FORM 2)
Terminal Appointment for Tenure-Track Faculty (FORM 2A)
Combined Faculty and Administrative Appointment (FORM 3)
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Appointment to Titles... (FORM 4)
Notice of Intent to Offer Reappointment to Titles in.... (FORM 4A)
Only for Multi-Year Appointment to Titles of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer (FORM 4B)
Faculty “Offer Letter” for Tenured Positions (FORM 5)
Faculty “Offer Letter” for Tenure-Track Positions (FORM 5A)
Faculty “Offer Letter” for Non-Tenure-Track Positions (FORM 5B)
Offer Letter for Administrative Appointment with Tenured Faculty Appointment (FORM 5C)
Code 1000 Employee (FORM 6)
Classified Employee (FORM 7)
Letter for Nonrenewal Notice to Nontenured Tenure Track Faculty in First or Second Year (FORM 8)
Letter for Nonrenewal Notice to Nontenured Tenure Track Faculty After December 15th of Second Year (FORM 9)
More Info on Faculty Academic Appointment Forms
Faculty Health Appointment Forms Administrative Appointment Only (FORM 1)
For Practice Plan Faculty Appointment Only As Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor (FORM 2)
Combined Practice Plan Faculty and Administrative Appointment (FORM 3)
Nontenure-Track Practice Plan Faculty Appointment to Titles in Sections 2.2 and 2.3(c), Rule 31001, Regents' Rules (FORM 4)
Notice of Intent to Offer Nontenure-Track Practice Plan Reappointment to Titles in Sections 2.2 and 2.3(c), Rule 31001 (FORM 4A)
Terminal Appointment for Tenure-Track Practice Plan Faculty (FORM 5)
For Nonpractice Plan Faculty Appointment Only as Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor (FORM 6)
Combined Nonpractice Plan Tenured Faculty and Administrative Appointment (FORM 7)
Nontenure-Track Nonpractice Plan Faculty Appointment to Titles in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, Rule 31001 (FORM 8)
Notice of Intent to Offer Nontenure-Track Nonpractice Plan Faculty Reappt to Titles in Sec. 2.2 & 2.3, Rule 31001 (FORM 8A)
Terminal Appointment for Tenure-Track Nonpractice Plan Faculty (FORM 9)
Code 1000 Employee (FORM 10)
Classified Employee (FORM 11)
Offer Letter for Tenured Faculty Appointment (FORM 12)
Offer Letter for Nontenured Tenure Track Faculty Appointment (FORM 13)
Offer Letter for Nontenured Track Faculty Appointment (FORM 14)
More Info on Faculty Health Appointment Forms
Faculty Health Appointment Forms UTMB School of Medicine UTMB School of Medicine Tenured and Tenure Track (FORM 15)
UTMB School of Medicine Non-Tenure (Clinical/Research) Appointment (FORM 16)
UTMB School of Medicine Combined Faculty and Administrative Appointment (Tenured and Tenure Track) (FORM 17)
UTMB School of Medicine Combined Faculty and Administrative Appointment (Non-Tenure Track Clinical/Research) (FORM 18)
UTMB School of Medicine Instructor Appointment (FORM 19)
More Info on Faculty Health Appointment Forms UTMB School of Medicine
Faculty Health Appointment Forms UTMB School of Nursing UTMB School of Nursing Tenured and Tenure Track Appointment (FORM 20)
UTMB School of Nursing Non-Tenure Track Clinical or Research Appointment (FORM 21)
UTMB School of Nursing Combined Faculty and Administrative Appointment (Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty) (FORM 22)
UTMB School of Nursing Combined Faculty and Administrative Appointment (Non-Tenure Track Clinical or Research Faculty) (FORM 23)
UTMB School of Nursing Instructor Appointment (FORM 24)
More Info on Faculty Health Appointment Forms UTMB School of Nursing
Faculty Health Appointment Forms UTMB School of Allied Health Science UTMB School of Allied Health Sciences Tenured and Tenure Track Appointment (FORM 25)
UTMB School of Allied Health Sciences Non-Tenure Track Clinical or Research Appointment (FORM 26)
UTMB School of Allied Health Sciences Combined Faculty & Administrative Appointment (Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty) (FORM 27)
UTMB School of Allied Health Sciences Combined Faculty & Admin. Appt (Non-Tenure Track Clinical or Research Faculty) (FORM 28)
UTMB School of Allied Health Sciences Instructor Appointment (FORM 29)
More Info on Faculty Health Appointment Forms UTMB School of Allied Health Science
Delegation of Authority Charts Delegations of Authority for Stephen F. Austin State University
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas at Arlington
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas at Austin
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas at Dallas
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas at El Paso
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas Permian Basin
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas at San Antonio
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas at Tyler
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Delegations of Authority for The University of Texas System Administration
More Info on Delegation of Authority Charts
Delegation of Authority Memo Templates Affiliation Agreements and Program Agreements
Agreements with Corporate Sponsors and Agreements That Grant an Interest in Intellectual Property (Lic/Opt/Res/NDA/MTA)
Banking Services Contracts
Construction Projects
Contracts (Any Kind or Nature)
Contracts Between U.T. Institutions
(EIR) Approve Exceptions to DIR Accessibility Rules
Gifts (other than Securities)
Gifts of Securities - Authority to U.T. System
IRS Forms - All Forms Except Those Relating to Gifts
IRS Forms - Forms Relating to Gifts
Nepotism Disclosure Statements
Previous President - Continuing Validity of Delegation
Purchase Orders
Revocation of Delegation
Space Lease Agreements
State and Federal Contracts and Proposals for Sponsored Research
More Info on Delegation of Authority Memo Templates
Real Estate Office - Organizational Chart Real Estate Office - Organizational Chart More Info on Real Estate Office - Organizational Chart
Key Issues in Real Estate Key Issues in Real Estate Acquisition More Info on Key Issues in Real Estate
Ground Leases Ground Leases More Info on Ground Leases
Legal Issues in Real Estate Legal Issues in Real Estate More Info on Legal Issues in Real Estate
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Dallas Acts 1969, 61st Leg., R.S., ch. 758, House Bill 303 More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Dallas
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler Acts 1977, 65th Leg., R.S., ch. 282, Senate Bill 1300 More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Arlington Campus Master Plan - BOR Approved: August 23-24, 2017
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 92, Senate Bill 407
Acts 1967, 60th Leg., R.S., ch. 73, House Bill 287
Acts 1971, 62nd, Leg., R.S., ch. 261, Senate Bill 128
Acts 1979, 66th Leg., R.S., ch. 523, Senate Bill 807
Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., R.S., ch. 247, Senate Bill 1533
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Arlington
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Acts 1959, 56th Leg., R.S., ch. 35, Senate Bill 33
Acts 1961, 57th Leg., R.S., ch. 113, Senate Bill 237
Acts 1967, 60th Leg., R.S., ch. 73, House Bill 287 - Section 2 Repealed by Senate Bill 128
Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., R.S., ch. 261, Senate Bill 128
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Tyler Education Code § 55.1722, 9/1997 More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Tyler
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at El Paso Acts 1919, 36th Leg., R.S., ch. 53, Senate Bill 198
Acts 1961, 57th Leg., R.S., ch. 13, Senate Bill 12
Acts 1961, 57th Leg., R.S., ch. 35, House Bill 219
Acts 1969, 61st Leg., R.S., ch. 185, House Bill 1225
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at El Paso
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Austin Campus Master Plan & Medical District - BOR Approved May 8, 2013
East Campus Master Plan - BOR Approved May 13, 2015
Acts 1947, 50th Leg., R.S., ch. 272, House Bill 677
Acts 1959, 56th Leg., R.S., ch. 119, Senate Bill 142
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 267, Senate Bill 429
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 206, House Bill 492
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 245, House Bill 836
Acts 1967, 60th Leg., R.S., ch. 73, House Bill 287
Acts 1969, 61st Leg., R.S., ch. 202, Senate Bill 666
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at Austin
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Acts 1947, 50th Leg., R.S., ch. 300, House Bill 821
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 88, Senate Bill 284
Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., R.S., ch. 939, Senate Bill 918
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., R.S., ch. 848, Senate Bill 1295
Education Code §73.501, 9/18/1985
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Acts 1947, 50th Leg., R.S., ch. 300, House Bill 821
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 88, Senate Bill 284
Acts 1967, 60th Leg., R.S., ch. 73, House Bill 287
Acts 1967, 60th Leg., R.S., ch. 70, House Bill 800
Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., R.S., ch. 261, Senate Bill 128
Acts 1999, 76th Leg., R.S., ch. 854, House Bill 1840
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston Acts 1945, 49th Leg., R.S., ch. 246, House Bill 740
Acts 1957, 55th Leg., R.S., ch. 257, Senate Bill 473
Acts 1963, 58th Leg., R.S., ch. 183, Senate Bill 392
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 71, Senate Bill 223
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 87, Senate Bill 224
Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., R.S., ch. 261, Senate Bill 128
Education Code §74.003, 9/1/1997
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Acts 1997, 75th Leg., R.S., ch. 672, Senate Bill 606 More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at San Antonio Acts 1965, 59th Leg., R.S., ch. 260, Senate Bill 450
Acts 1969, 61st, R.S., ch. 442, House Bill 481
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas at San Antonio
Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Campus Master Plan - BOR Approved: August 23-24, 2017
Acts 1989, 71st Leg., R.S., ch. 181, Senate Bill 47
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., R.S., ch. 1410, House Bill 2332
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., R.S., ch. 979, House Bill 2564
Education Code § 77.15, 7/1998
More Info on Land Acquisition Zones: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Overview of Required Elements in Real Estate Transactions Overview of Required Elements in Real Estate Transactions More Info on Overview of Required Elements in Real Estate Transactions
Procedures for Processing Acquisitions of Campus Real Estate procedures-processing-acquisitions-of-campus-real-estate.pdf More Info on Procedures for Processing Acquisitions of Campus Real Estate
Statistical Handbook Statistical Handbook 2007 More Info on Statistical Handbook
Competitiveness Initiative Competitiveness Initiative Update 2009
Competitiveness Initiative Fact Sheet
Analysis of trends in STEM and health-related enrollment and degrees at UT System institutions
More Info on Competitiveness Initiative
OSI Reports & Policy Papers Administration Costs 2011
Space Usage Efficiency 2011
Musick Table 1 - Characteristics of Instructors
Tuition and Revenue Analyses - Feb. 2012
More Info on OSI Reports & Policy Papers
Best Practices Regarding University-Affiliated Foundation Relationships Best Practices Regarding University-Affiliated Foundation Relationships More Info on Best Practices Regarding University-Affiliated Foundation Relationships
Contract Processing Checklist Business Affairs Contract Processing Checklist
UT institution concurrence form
More Info on Contract Processing Checklist
Fast Facts 2013 Fast Facts 2013 More Info on Fast Facts 2013
Fast Facts 2012 Fast Facts 2012 More Info on Fast Facts 2012
Prescription Drug Co-payments at a Glance NEW! UT SELECT Prescription Drug Program at-a-Glance 2023-2024
NEW! UT CARE Medicare Prescription Drug Program at-a-Glance 2024
More Info on Prescription Drug Co-payments at a Glance
Superior Vision Standard Benefits Guide Superior Vision Standard Plan Certificate More Info on Superior Vision Standard Benefits Guide
UT FLEX Benefits Guide NEW! 2024-2025 UT FLEX Benefits Guide
2023-2024 UT FLEX Benefits Guide
More Info on UT FLEX Benefits Guide
Group Term Life Certificate Group Term Life Certificate (effective 09/01/2024)
Group Term Life Certificate (expires 09/01/2024)
More Info on Group Term Life Certificate
Short-Term Disability Certificate Short Term Disability Certificate 2023-2024 More Info on Short-Term Disability Certificate
Long-Term Disability Certificate 2023-2024 Long Term Disability Certificate More Info on Long-Term Disability Certificate
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices 2024 (effective September 1, 2024)
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices 2023
More Info on HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
Summary of Retirement Programs Retirement Programs Summary More Info on Summary of Retirement Programs
UT SELECT Benefits Summary Chart UT SELECT Benefits Summary Chart 2024-2025 More Info on UT SELECT Benefits Summary Chart
UT SELECT Tobacco Cessation Program UT SELECT Tobacco Cessation Program More Info on UT SELECT Tobacco Cessation Program
UT SELECT Medical Claim Form UT SELECT Medical Claim Form More Info on UT SELECT Medical Claim Form
UT SELECT DENTAL Highlights UT SELECT DENTAL Highlights More Info on UT SELECT DENTAL Highlights
UT System Administration Standards of Conduct UT System Administration Standards of Conduct More Info on UT System Administration Standards of Conduct
UT SELECT DENTAL Plus Highlights UT SELECT DENTAL Plus Highlights More Info on UT SELECT DENTAL Plus Highlights
Prescriptions by Mail Order Form Prescriptions by Mail Order Form More Info on Prescriptions by Mail Order Form
Prescription Drug Reimbursement Form / Coordination of Benefits Claim Form Prescription Drug Reimbursement Form / Coordination of Benefits Claim Form More Info on Prescription Drug Reimbursement Form / Coordination of Benefits Claim Form
DeltaCare Benefits Guide 2023-2024 DeltaCare Benefits Guide More Info on DeltaCare Benefits Guide
DeltaCare Highlights DeltaCare Highlights More Info on DeltaCare Highlights
Your Dental Plan Options Dental Plan Options: Compare Our Plans More Info on Your Dental Plan Options
Superior Vision Plus Benefits Guide Superior Vision Plus Plan Certificate More Info on Superior Vision Plus Benefits Guide
Superior Vison Claim Form Superior Vison Claim Form More Info on Superior Vison Claim Form
Quality LASIK for Texas Members Quality LASIK for Texas Members More Info on Quality LASIK for Texas Members
Finding-In-Network Providers Find an In-Network Eye Care Professional More Info on Finding-In-Network Providers
Superior Vision Online Retailers NEW! Introducing Warby Parker through MetLife® Vision
Superior Vision Online Contacts and Lenses Retailers
More Info on Superior Vision Online Retailers
Smart Alert - Partnering for Total Wellness Superior Vision Smart Alert More Info on Smart Alert - Partnering for Total Wellness
Superior Vision: Getting Started with the Online Member Portal Superior Vision Online Member Portal More Info on Superior Vision: Getting Started with the Online Member Portal
Superior Vision Plan Brochure Superior Vision Plan Brochure More Info on Superior Vision Plan Brochure