Academic Planning & Policy

The University of Texas System Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) is committed to providing guidance and support to UT System (UTS) academic institutions in academic planning, policy, and program review. The approval process for academic program proposals and changes ensures that all UTS degree programs are of the highest quality and are designed to improve long-term academic and professional outcomes for our students.

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Institutions must provide specific research and documentation in order to submit proposals for new degree programs based on requirements from the Board of Regents and the THECB.

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All UTS institutions conduct regular accreditation compliance reports and resources are available from UTS and by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) to assist with this process.

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Ph.D. programs at UTS institutions must undergo regular external review and submit a report that, once complete, is submitted to the OAA for consideration.

changes image


The majority of changes to existing degree programs and admin unit changes can be submitted to the THECB directly. However, changes to admission policies and criteria still require approval by the Office of Academic Affairs and/or the Board of Regents. In addition, certain changes to administrative units also require approval.

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Flexible blended and online education has become an essential component of a 21st century education and OAA is committed to supporting these programs to improve student success.

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Institutions can use the THECB Program Inventory and Accountability System to research existing degree programs throughout the state of Texas.

Principles of Graduate Education

The University of Texas System Office of Academic Affairs endorses the UT System Principles of Graduate Education developed by the graduate deans of the academic institutions in collaboration with the Office of Academic Affairs.

Requests Submitted Directly to the THECB


New Degree Program & Change Requests

  • Planning Authority (all degree levels)
  • CIP code changes
  • Degree name changes
  • Degree designation changes
  • Degree SCH changes
  • Expansion of a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral program via hybrid or online modality or to a self-supported (or formula-funded) mode of operation
  • Establishment of a new department or department name changes that do not result in a new school or college
  • Movement of a degree program across units that does not result in a new school or college
  • Non-honorific department, school, or college name changes


Requests Submitted to OAA for Approval


New Degree Program & Change Requests

  • New bachelor's, master's, doctoral & Professional degree proposals
  • Admission policy/criteria changes
  • Program closures
  • Low-producing program continuation requests
  • Establishment of a new school or college

Administrative Unit Requests

  • Establishment of a new department or department changes that do not result in a new school or college.
  • Movement of degree programs across units that does not result in a new school or college.
  • Non-honorific department, school or college name changes

Administrative Unit Requests

  • Establishment of a new school or college
  • Honorific naming or name changes to admin units