UT System Office of HUB Programs
Our mission is to promote full and equal opportunity for minority, women, and service-disabled veteran owned businesses to supply goods and services in support of the operations of U. T. System Administration and the U. T. System institutions. The U. T. System HUB Office is committed to facilitating increased procurement awards to HUB firms consistent with the State's goals for HUB participation while providing education on our procurement processes. We serve as a resource on HUB processes, rules and requirements to UT System Administration and UT System institution offices. It is our goal to foster efficient, effective, and mutually beneficial working relationships with UT System offices while complying with all relevant State of Texas rules, laws, and UT System Board policies.
The UT System Office of HUB Programs is a department of UT System Administration that is responsible for managing compliance with the HUB requirements for U. T. System administration contracts, purchasing, and expenditures. It also provides UT systemwide institution support of the HUB program through its subject matter expertise, outreach programs, and expenditure data analysis.
General procurement is decentralized meaning each campus purchases its own goods and services independently from UT System Administration. Each UT System institution has a HUB department and HUB Coordinators who are available to help navigate the institution procurement process and introduce HUB firms to key procurement staff at their institution. For a list of HUB coordinators by institution, click the link in the navigation bar at the left, "Institution HUB Coordinators & Links". On this page you will also find a link to each institution HUB Program page.