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WCI Health Care Network Forms

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UT System Health Care Network Acknowledgement Forms


IMO Med-Select HCN Information
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Employee Handbook
Sổ Tay Nhân Viên Hệ Thống Đại Học Texas

Notice of Network Requirements
Thông Báo Các Yêu Cầu Mạng Lưới dành cho Hệ Thống Đại Học Texas

Acknowledgement Form
Mẫu Đơn Xác Nhận


The forms above are provided by The University of Texas System and Injury Management Organization, Inc. Please contact your respective University of Texas System (UT System) Workers' Compensation Insurance (WCI) Representative before completing any forms. All forms utilized by UT System Institutions contain all necessary information and questions required by TDI/DWC .


For more information regarding Workers' Compensation Insurance forms, refer to your respective UT System WCI Representative , the UT System WCI Office or TDI/DWC.


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