Here's a quick list of some simple things you can do to ensure that your mobile devices are running with at least some security. All of these steps are free and raise the bar on both unauthorized use of your device and the integrity of the applications you're running on them. The goal is not to make your device impenetrable, but to raise the bar.
Mobile devices have become one of the primary ways we communicate and interact with each other. The power of a computer is now at our fingertips, allowing us to bank, shop, view medical history, attend to work remotely, and communicate virtually anywhere. With all these convenient features come added risks, but here are some tips to protect your devices and your personal information.
A unique collaboration between The University of Texas System Police and UT Austin researchers has produced a science-based, victim-centered blueprint for law enforcement to respond to sexual assault cases at all 14 UT institutions.
It likely is the first time a university system police department has implemented sexual assault response training and protocols based on scientific research by a major university.
March has arrived and Wellness is focusing on supporting our neighbors! UT System Administration is responsible for two Meals on Wheels and More routes on Fridays. Can you help us? It is easy to share one hour (yes, as little as one hour per month) of your time with our neighbors in need. Email Trish Meloncon to learn how you can get involved, and check out the details on the Wellness website!
Smartphones and other mobile devices play an important part in many people’s everyday lives. A mobile device often serves as a control center for our daily lives, allowing us to stay organized communicate with family, friends, and colleagues, among others. Your mobile device probably contains information you consider vital and personal.
Wellness is always up to something new and this month is introducing System Service – our initiative to offer employees consistent ways to give back to our community. System Service includes How Do You Serve? where we highlight UT System Administration employees who are passionate about giving back and how you can join them…and share your story too!
UT System Administration Employees; Form 1095-C will be distributed to current and former employees, retirees and other covered individuals by March 31, 2016. You will receive additional communication prior to distribution. You are not required to wait for Form 1095-C before filing your income tax return. What is Form 1095-C?
It’s Tax Season and Fraud is Rampant! The UT System Office of Information Security wants you to be aware that several System Administration staff members received a fraudulent "phishing" email on January 20, 2016 designed to aid criminals in stealing people's identity. The email came with a web form attachment that very convincingly represents an IRS communication. It is important to note that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages, or social media channels to request personal or financial information.
UT System Administration Wellness is here to support you! The new Wellness website has been created so you can access information on demand. Information for you to be your best self, in one convenient and accessible place, when YOU want it. Start exploring now - on this site you will find information about free fitness classes, tobacco cessation programs, discounts, resources for financial guidance and much more!Wellness Website: https://www.utsystem.edu/sites/wellness
Congratulations on your new tablet! This technology is a powerful and convenient way to communicate with others, shop online, watch movies, play games and perform a myriad of other activities. Since your tablet will most likely become an important part of your life, even perhaps replacing your computer, please read on for some key steps you should take to keep your tablet and your information safe and secure.
Help you to improve and maintain your vitality is the name-of-the-game for UT System Administration Wellness. This guide will give you a brief summary of our programs and resources and how you can find out more!UT System Administration Wellness Program Snapshot
Michael Heidingsfield, Director of Police, met with the Ambassadors on November 11th to discuss the changes to the concealed handgun laws and how these changes will affect The University of Texas System Administration and institutions. If you want to know more about these changes, contact your Change Ambassador.Recent Legislation Changes Impacting the Carrying of Handguns Two bills related to the carrying of handguns passed in the last legislative session:
As you can see, UT4U has received a major facelift and we are excited for its launch. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions so we can continue making UT4U a great tool and resource for UT System Administration employees. Please send feedback and suggestions for improvement to Sarah Pekar.