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Title Published Date Office File(s) Page
College Credit: Reducing Unmanageable Student Debt and Maximizing Return on Education Business Affairs College Credit: Reducing Unmanageable Student Debt and Maximizing Return on Education More Info on College Credit: Reducing Unmanageable Student Debt and Maximizing Return on Education
Executive Order RP-49 - January 2013 Capital Projects UT System Annual Executive Order RP-49 January 2013
FY 2012 UT System Metered Utilities
More Info on Executive Order RP-49 - January 2013
2011 Year in Review Board of Regents 2011 Year in Review
Task Force on University Excellence and Productivity
Task Force on Blended and Online Learning
More Info on 2011 Year in Review
Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas Health Affairs Code Red: The Report
Code Red: The Summary
The Appendices
Alerta Roja: El Resumen
Task Force Members
Executive Summary
React (Closing)
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Legislative Review and Summary
More Info on Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas
Code Red 2008 Health Affairs Code Red: 2008 More Info on Code Red 2008
Code Red 2012 Health Affairs Code Red 2012 More Info on Code Red 2012
Framework for Advancing Excellence: 2012 Update Chancellor Framework 2012 Update
Framework Presentation
More Info on Framework for Advancing Excellence: 2012 Update
Framework for Advancing Excellence throughout The University of Texas System: Action Plan Chancellor Framework for Advancing Excellence
Framework PowerPoint
Productivity Concept
May 2011 Remarks
More Info on Framework for Advancing Excellence throughout The University of Texas System: Action Plan
Graduation Success Institutional Research and Analysis Graduation Success 2010 Research Brief
Graduation Success 2010 Executive Summary
Graduation Success 2010 One Pager
More Info on Graduation Success
Degree Productivity, Responsible Administration, and Efficiency Initiatives Institutional Research and Analysis Executive Summary
Research Brief
More Info on Degree Productivity, Responsible Administration, and Efficiency Initiatives
Hispanic Access and Success Institutional Research and Analysis Hispanic Access and Success 2011 More Info on Hispanic Access and Success
Faculty & Course Data Institutional Research and Analysis Faculty and Course Data Notes
Faculty and Course Data
More Info on Faculty & Course Data
A Focus on Teaching Institutional Research and Analysis Research Brief
Executive Summary
One Page Summary
More Info on A Focus on Teaching
Accountability and Performance Reports Institutional Research and Analysis 2009-10 Accountability and Performance Report
2008-09 Accountability and Performance Report
2007-08 Accountability and Performance Report
2006-07 Accountability and Performance Report
2005-06 Accountability and Performance Report
2004-05 Accountability and Performance Report
2003-04 Accountability and Performance Report
More Info on Accountability and Performance Reports
Facts and Trends Archives Institutional Research and Analysis Facts and Trends 2010
Facts and Trends 2009
Facts and Trends 2008
Statistical Handbook 2007
Statistical Handbook 2006
Statistical Handbook 2005
More Info on Facts and Trends Archives