Paul Steinkraus
Business Strategy Advisor and Assistant General Counsel

Paul Steinkraus holds the position of Business Strategy Advisor and Assistant General Counsel in the Office of Collaborative Business Services (OCBS), where he assists both the UT System Supply Chain Alliance and OCBS. Both organizations are pursuing significant cost-saving initiatives. The Alliance leverages the combined buying power of UT institutions to secure the best possible purchase terms, under large, multi-year contracts, for goods and services commonly needed by UT institutions. The OCBS pursues cost efficiencies through multi-institutional initiatives such as robotic process automations.
Prior to joining UT System, Mr. Steinkraus had a very distinguished legal career at Ford Motor Company. He began as an attorney working on real estate and purchasing matters and then served as senior attorney at Ford of Europe, counsel at Ford Motor Credit Company, counsel for Ford’s international operations and ended his service as vice president-general counsel for Ford Asia Pacific & Africa, stationed in Bangkok, Thailand.
Mr. Steinkraus graduated from The University of Michigan Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Engineering and received his JD Magna Cum Laude from Wayne State University Law School.